无人驾驶 Tutorial 1

it2023-01-13  82

Environment Setup




Requirements System specifics

x64 system. The simulator should run in any 64 bits Windows system.30GB disk space. Installing all the software needed and CARLA will require quite a lot of space. Make sure to have around 30/50GB of free disk space.An adequate GPU. CARLA aims for realistic simulations, so the server needs at least a 4GB GPU. A dedicated GPU is highly recommended for machine learning.Two TCP ports and good internet connection. 2000 and 2001 by default. Be sure neither the firewall nor any other application are blocking these.

首先进入carla的官网 https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_windows/#necessary-software 这次我们选择的是0.9.9.4版本 https://cmake.org/download/ 然后这次我们选择的是windows版本的 https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_windows/#necessary-software 目测因为教学用网络带宽限制,下载需要2天 这节课主要是需要下载文件 Minor installations

CMake generates standard build files from simple configuration files.Git is a version control system to manage CARLA repositories.Make generates the executables.Python3 x64 is the main script language in CARLA. Having a x32 version installed may cause conflict, so it is highly advisable to have it uninstalled.


然后不太想吐槽今天的TA小哥 真的 周老师说他是本科生的时候小白师兄说了句:哦 但是有些事真的不是你不负责任就可以一句话带过的 比如你把Ubuntu读成了abuntu 这个我可以忍,但是亲 你让40多个人下载一个3G左右的软件,然后网速卡到还要两天,说什么你昨天还可以的 大哥,你真的nb 你不说大家就在那等着,结果你这边来了句 “放那下着就行了” ????? 然后我真的马了

你自己既然讲不清,那你ppt跟document tutorial准备好啊 大哥,你当我们随时可以上手吗

