
it2022-12-26  111

短视频已成为许多人日常生活的一部分,并且应用程序的用户数量激增。 短视频应用主要由年轻人使用,也吸引了许多中老年人,并被用作娱乐,信息和社交互动的重要渠道。伴随着这种现象,人们开始担心短视频成瘾,因为我们在这些应用上花费了太多时间。您对此现象有何看法?

用您自己的标题写一篇文章,清楚地陈述您的观点,并用理由和例子支持您的观点。 您应该写大约400个字。 




短视频  获取资讯,电商买卖东西, 音乐

Tik Tok  Kwai 快手? Headline


第二段:过去,现状,将来 介绍现状





标点符号全英     简单词汇的高级替换   名词单复数



并且随着移动终端普及和网络的提速,应用程序的用户数量 激增。


  it seems universally acknowledged that micro-videos has played a critical part in an ocean of private individuals's  general routine of every day living.And with the rapid advance of mobile terminal and internet,the number of users of such applications has been exploding.Short-videos have deprived  numerous time and energy of us in our daily life. It has beome my point that ordinary citizens are supposed to relax themselves moderately through short videos rather than swallow in it.

  第二段:过去,现状,将来 介绍现状


  As a well-known saying  says,in the past, the carriage and horse were very slow, the letter was very long, the whole life could only love one person.Nevertheless,(?)due to the mobile-phone, at present , is easily available for everyone.Expecially with the advance of 5G,short-videos has been regarding as a crucial way of managing to obtain entertainment ,messages and  social interaction.Even the latest decades ,ordinary citizens whose age like(单词是否正确?) my superiors could not image that (多个名词作并列主语?)information ,latest news , materials ,and  knowledge can be spreading immediatly and quickly through the internet(大小写?) and they can obtain easily.Teenagers and youngsters ,the major driving force of the short video application,can get(是否需要进行单词替换) what they want and what they need easily from these applications, which is really beyond dispute.Additionally,middle-aged and senior citizens also(和 additionally重合不?) are attracted to these appliacations(这种地方是用it好还是用 short-videos).

  Although so abundant cases can support my simple view,the following one is most favorable.


  All in all,in my judgement,it is really hight time that due attention can not have failed to paid to the issue.One hand,the authorities are supposed to spend more time in taking measures to limit the daily usage time of entertainment application . On the other hand,superiors had better lead by example and(?并列连词的省略) are sussposed to spend more time in instrucing their kids. During netizens's pockets of time,they can not just to surfing on the net.Awareness that moderate surfing and enjoy a healthy life could be cultivated to make them lead a healthy and favorable life.The more actively people face the  issue, the more happily they will lead their life.



In a sort of sense

   it is ...... that ..........

in our contemporary society       

middle-aged and senior citizens 

tend to

it 's apparent that

it keeps my argument that..

someday, one will perceive that career,kinship and friendship prove more indispensable that romaince.

my meaning seems that 

Short video application

Especially with the advent of 5G

In our contemporary society,   ,


1)the majority of people would agree that sth has caused serious problems.

2) however, recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.

,a sort of internet  content  transmission ,

I,an undergraduate of Anyang Normal University,

短视频, 1  ,已经成为许多人日常生活的一部分,并且应用程序的用户数量激增。



A means of Internet content transmission

short-videos, ,has become a general routine of every day life  numerous private individuals

short-viedos 短视频   Micro-video

应用程序  application program

with the rapid advance of

移动终端  MT mobile terminal 

The number of users of such applications has exploded

University student of Anyang Normal University








