【Unity Script Collection】Editor

it2023-01-05  70

Unity Script Collection目录 



Favorites List - mark objects/scenen/assets as favorites to return to them quickly.REX Diagnostics - runtime evaluation of c# expressions.Better Defines - platform dependent preprocessor directive manager.MissingReferencesUnity - find missing references.Unity Resource Checker - resource analyzer.Asset Usage Detector - checks if an asset is used in code and/or scene files.Compile Time Tracker - compile time tracker.UnityStudio - unity asset export tool.Screen Shooter - takes screenshots with multiple resolutions at once.Script Templates for Unity - script templates.Unity 2D Destruction - sprite destruction.CurveTexture - bake curves into texture.Unity3D Rainbow Folders - folder icons.Unity Themes - editor themes.Tree Randomizer - randomize unity trees.Render Settings Duplicator - clones the render settings from one scene to another.Piviot Transform Helper - adds piviot creation shortcuts to the context menu.ScriptExecutionOrder Attribute - attribute to specify execution order.Simple Editor Shortcuts Tools Collection - small collection of simple tools to help in scene editing workflows.Mulligan Renamer - bulk renaming tool for game objects and assets.BitField Attribute - Enable bit field masking from the Unity Editor.ScriptableObject Menu - Create ScriptableObjects from the Unity Editor.


Brainiac - behaviour tree & (behaviour-)node-based visual editor.Node Editor - (calculation-)node editor.BrotherhoodOfNode - (more graphical-)node editor for visual things.VisualNoiseDesigner - visual noise designer.SimpleGeo - simple geometry painter.Curves and Splines - curve & spline editor.Unity 2D Joint Editors - 2d joint editors.PolyMesh - 2d shape editor.VertexPaint - vertex data painter.SabreCSG - a set of level design tools for building complex levels.Constants Generator Kit - generates static classes for layers, scenes, tags and resources.Unity Tilemap - 2D tilemap editor.Node Editor Framework - Node Editor Framework for creating node based displays and editors.Unity Event Visualizer - graph editor for viewing all UnityEvents.

Inspector Extensions

Reorderable Lists - reorderable list field.Ordered Dictionary - ordered dictionary field.ClassTypeReference - class type reference field.Unity3D ExtendedEvent - extended event selector.Property Drawer Collection - collection of property drawers.Node Inspector - node based inspector.ColorBands - color bands.QuickEvent - persistent event handlers with static or dynamic values.Reorder Components - reorder components on your GameObjects.AwesomeComponent - auto load assets on SerializedFields.ScenePreview Inspector - view scene preview in inspector.


Unity Excel Importer Maker - excel.Unity Psd Importer - advanced psd import.