1.4.1.How to use fsdbedit to add scope on the existed fsdb file?
Hierarchy from B to A.B %> module load Verdi %> fsdbedit in.fsdb -insert_scope '/$scope(A)/B' -out out.fsdb1.4.2.How to use fsdbedit to delete scope on the existed fsdb file?
Hierarchy from A.B to B %> fsdbedit in.fsdb -delete_scope '/$scope(A)/B' -out out.fsdb1.4.3.How to use fsdbedit to add/delete multi-scope by configuration?
Hierarchy from A.B.C.D to D %> fsdbedit in.fsdb -delete delete.cfg -out out.fsdb configuration format: -delete_scope '/A/B/$scope(C)' -delete_scope '/A/$scope(B)' -delete_scope '$scope(A)'1.4.4.Any other usage please use following method to search
%> module load Verdi %> fsdbedit -help
1.5.1.How to cut waveform into small parts?
Extract the fsdb file from 100ps to 1000ps, default time unit is ns %> module load Verdi %> fsdbextract in.fsdb -bt 100ps -et 1000ps -o out.fsdb Extract the fsdb file of specified scope A.B and its subscopes %> module load Verdi %> fsdbextract in.fsdb -s /A/B -level 0 -o out.fsdb Other %> module load Verdi %> fsdbextract -help1.5.2.How to shift a waveform?
%> module load Verdi %> fsdbextract old.fsdb -time_shift 10ns -o new.fsdb
1.6.1.How to merge multiple waveforms?
Basic %> module load Verdi %> fsdbmerge in1.fsdb in2.fsdb -o out.fsdb Advanced : overwrite, show warning when disjoint ... %> module load Verdi %> fsdbmerge -help1.6.2.Fail to do fsdbmerge ?
Check if you can open each of your fsdb. If not, re-dump again.1.7.1. How to recover an unfinished fsdb file?
%> module load Verdi %> fsdbrecover in.fsdb %> fsdbrecover in.fsdb -o recover.fsdb -del_src //-del_src will delete source fsdb file after finished1.8.1. How to get signal information in specified condition in an fsdb?
%> module load Verdi %> fsdbreport in.fsdb -exp "/A/wire_A=='h30 & /A/clk==1" -s /A/port_C1.8.2 Other advanced usage
%> fsdbreport -help1.9.1 How to use fsdb2saif on mix vhdl design?
add -vhdl in the option, this option can allow convert 9 MVL to 4 states value instead of skipping VHDL signals %> fsdb2saif verilog_and_vhdl.fsdb -vhdl Other advanced usage %> fsdb2saif -help