select n.date,n.id,n.money from ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY m.date,m.id ORDER BY m.date1 desc) AS rn m.date,m.id,m.money from ( select dim.date,table.date as date1,dim.id,table.money from dim,table where dim.date>=table.date and dim.id=table.id ) m ) n where n.rn=1 and m.money>0
20200801 20200801 1 1000 20200802 20200801 1 1000 20200802 20200802 1 2000 20200803 20200801 1 1000 20200803 20200802 1 2000 20200804 20200801 1 1000 20200804 20200802 1 2000 20200805 20200801 1 1000 20200805 20200802 1 2000 20200805 20200805 1 5000