
it2025-01-17  23

本文为美国普渡大学(作者:Pengchong Jin)的博士论文,共99页。





Model-based image processing is acollection of techniques that provides a systematic framework for solvinginverse problems in imaging systems. In this dissertation 1 , three problemsthat arise in CT imaging systems are addressed using the model based approach:image reconstruction for the single energy X-ray CT with both 2D parallel-beamand 3D multi-slice geometries, simultaneous image reconstruction and beamhardening correction for the single energy X-ray CT, and simultaneous metalartifact reduction and image segmentation for CT images. In the first topic,the methodology of model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) for solving CTimage reconstruction problems is studied. Recent research indicates that theMRIR has potential to improve image quality and remove artifacts comparing totraditional filtered back-projection (FBP) methods. The MBIR algorithms forboth 2D parallel-beam and 3D multi-slice helical CT geometries are developedusing the formulation under the statistical framework and the reconstruction issolved using optimization techniques. The result on the real CT baggage datasetis presented, which illustrates the image quality improvement and noise andartifact reduction. The second topic studies the beam hardening correctionproblem in the single energy X-ray CT. Beam hardening is the effect thatmaterial preferably attenuates more low-energy X-ray than high-energy, and witha broad X-ray source spectrum, it can lead to several reconstructed imageartifacts, such as streaks. Based on the assumption that distinct materials canbe separated according to their densities, a more accurate forward model thataccounts for the X-ray spectrum is developed and a MBIR algorithm thatincorporates this new model is proposed. The overall algorithms works byalternating estimation of the image and the unknown model parameters, thereforeno additional information is required. Results on both the simulated and realCT scan data show that the proposed method significantly reduces metal streakartifacts in the reconstruction. The third problem is the segmentation of CTimages with metal artifacts and without the access to the CT data. Segmentinginteresting objects from CT images has a wide range of applications in medicaldiagnosis and security inspection. However, raw CT images often containartifacts such as streak due to the dense metal objects, and these artifactscan make accurate segmentation difficult. A novel model based approach thatjointly estimates both the segmentation and the restored image is proposed andthe unified cost function consists of three terms: 1) a data fidelity term thatrelates the raw and restored image and incorporates a streak mask; 2) adictionary-based image prior which regularizes the restored image; 3) a termbased on the continuous-relaxed Potts model which couples the restored imageintensities and segmentation labels. Results on both simulated and real CT dataare presented and support that the joint segmentation and MAR can producesuperior results without the use of the raw CT data.


