【Unity Script Collection】Post-Processing & Rendering

it2022-12-29  93

Unity Script Collection目录 


kode80SSR - screen-space reflections.KinoObscurance - screen-space ambient obscurance.SMAA - subpixel morphological anti-aliasing.Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing - anti-aliasing solution used in INSIDE.kode80CloudsUnity3D - realtime volumetric clouds.PixelRenderUnity3D - pixelized rendering.PixelCamera2D - pixel-perfect rendering.KinoMotion - motion blur using motion vectors.KinoContour - edge detection.KinoMirror - kaleidoscope effect.KinoFringe - chromatic aberration.KinoBinary - 1-bit monochrome effect.KinoFeedback - retro framebuffer feedback effect.KinoRamp - color ramp overlay.KinoSlitscan - slit-scan effect.KinoGlitch - glitch effect.KinoDatamosh - datamosh.unity vhsglitch - vhs glitch effect.Scanline Shader - scanline effect.KinoFog - global fog.KinoBloom - bloom.KinoBokeh - bokeh effect.KinoVignette - vignette.KinoVision - frame information visualizer.Unity5Effects - post-processing collection.LightShafts - light shafts.VolumetricLights - volumetric lights.SonarFx - wave patterns.Cinematic Image Effects - cinematic image effects.Post-processing Stack - multiple image effects in one pipeline.Moments - gif recorder.uDesktopDuplication - realtime screen capture as Texture2D.Heat Distortion Effect - a shader which distorts the image behind, using a normal map.Clear Flags Effect - Image Effect to reproduce the Clear Flags camera effect.DeLightingTool - tool to remove lighting information from textures in a photogrammetry asset pipeline.unity-lut-generator - LookUpTable generator for Unity.SEGI - Sonic Ether's voxel-based global illumination system.Aura - a local simulation of the light scattering into the surrounding medium.