mysql> alter table info add column addr varchar(50); mysql> select * from info; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | NULL | | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | NULL | | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | NULL | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | NULL | | 10 | T1 | 58.00 | 2 | NULL | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ mysql> update info set addr='nj' where score>=60; mysql> select * from info; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | nj | | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | nj | | 10 | T1 | 58.00 | 2 | NULL | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ mysql> select count(addr) from info; #null没有被加入统计 +-------------+ | count(addr) | +-------------+ | 4 | +-------------+ mysql> update info set addr='' where name='T1'; #改为空字符串 mysql> select * from info; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | nj | | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | nj | | 10 | T1 | 58.00 | 2 | | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ mysql> select count(addr) from info; #空字符串加入统计 +-------------+ | count(addr) | +-------------+ | 5 | +-------------+测试表
mysql> select * from info; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | nj | | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | nj | | 10 | T1 | 58.00 | 2 | | | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 12 | owo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | | 14 | yowo | 65.00 | 1 | | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+^ 匹配开始字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp '^z'; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+$ 匹配结束字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'u$'; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+. 匹配任意单个字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'li..'; +----+------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+------+-------+-------+------+ | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | nj | +----+------+-------+-------+------+‘*’ 匹配任意个前面的字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'owoo*'; +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 12 | owo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | | 14 | yowo | 65.00 | 1 | | +----+--------+-------+-------+------++ 匹配前面字符至少1次
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'owoo+'; +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+[…] 匹配字符集中的任意一个字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp '[xyz]'; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | nj | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | | 14 | yowo | 65.00 | 1 | | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+[^…] 匹配不在中括号内的任意字符
mysql> select * from info where name regexp '[^xyz]'; +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+ | 1 | zhansan | 66.00 | 1 | nj | | 2 | lisi | 68.00 | 2 | nj | | 3 | wangwu | 74.00 | 3 | nj | | 4 | zhaoliu | 54.00 | 4 | NULL | | 5 | xiaoqi | 99.00 | 2 | nj | | 10 | T1 | 58.00 | 2 | | | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 12 | owo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | | 14 | yowo | 65.00 | 1 | | +----+---------+-------+-------+------+{n} 匹配前面的字符串n次
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'oo{2}'; +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+{n,m}匹配前面的字符串至少n次,至多m次
mysql> select * from info where name regexp 'oo{2,2}'; +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | id | name | score | hobby | addr | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+ | 11 | owooo | 55.00 | 1 | | | 13 | yowooo | 58.00 | 1 | | +----+--------+-------+-------+------+比较运算中,如果不相等则返回 1,如果相等则返回 0,这点正好跟等于的返回值相反,需要注意的是不等于运算符不能用于判断NULL。
mysql> select 2=4,2='2','e'='e',(2+2)=(3+1),'r'=null; +-----+-------+---------+-------------+----------+ | 2=4 | 2='2' | 'e'='e' | (2+2)=(3+1) | 'r'=null | +-----+-------+---------+-------------+----------+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL | +-----+-------+---------+-------------+----------+从以上查询可以看出来:
mysql> select 'zhangsan'<>'lisi',1<>2,3!=3,2.5!=2,null<>null; +--------------------+------+------+--------+------------+ | 'zhangsan'<>'lisi' | 1<>2 | 3!=3 | 2.5!=2 | null<>null | +--------------------+------+------+--------+------------+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | NULL | +--------------------+------+------+--------+------------+(三)大于、大于等于、小于、小于等于
mysql> select 5>4,'a'>'b',2>=3,(2+3)>=(1+2),4.4<3,1<2,'x'<='y',5<=5.5,'u'>=null; +-----+---------+------+--------------+-------+-----+----------+--------+-----------+ | 5>4 | 'a'>'b' | 2>=3 | (2+3)>=(1+2) | 4.4<3 | 1<2 | 'x'<='y' | 5<=5.5 | 'u'>=null | +-----+---------+------+--------------+-------+-----+----------+--------+-----------+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL | +-----+---------+------+--------------+-------+-----+----------+--------+-----------+(四)IS NULL、IS NOT NULL
mysql> select 2 is null,'f' is not null,null is null; +-----------+-----------------+--------------+ | 2 is null | 'f' is not null | null is null | +-----------+-----------------+--------------+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | +-----------+-----------------+--------------+ IS NULL 判断一个值是否为NULL,如果为NULL返回1,否则返回 0IS NOT NULL 判断一个值是否不为NULL,如果不为NULL 返回1,否则返回0(五)BETWEEN AND
between and比较运算符通常用于判断一个值是否落在某两个值之间。 mysql> select 4 between 2 and 6,5 between 6 and 8,'c' betweenn 'a' and 'f'; +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | 4 between 2 and 6 | 5 between 6 and 8 | 'c' between 'a' and 'f' | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------------+(六)LEAST、GREATEST
LEAST:当有两个或者多个参数时,返回其中的最小值。如果其中一个值为null,则返回结果就为NULL。GREATEST:当有两个或者多个参数时,返回其中最大值。如果其中一个值为null,则返回结果就为NULL。 mysql> select least(1,2,3),least('a','b','c'),greatest(1,2,3),greatest('a','b','c'); +--------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+ | least(1,2,3) | least('a','b','c') | greatest(1,2,3) | greatest('a','b','c') | +--------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+ | 1 | a | 3 | c | +--------------+--------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+(七)IN、NOT IN
IN 判断一个值是否不在对应的列表中,如果是返回 1,否则返回0。NOT IN判断一个值是否不在对应的列表中,如果不是返回1,否则返回0。 mysql> select 2 in (1,2,3,4,5),'c' not in ('a','b','c'); +------------------+--------------------------+ | 2 in (1,2,3,4,5) | 'c' not in ('a','b','c') | +------------------+--------------------------+ | 1 | 0 | +------------------+--------------------------+**(八)LIKE、NOT LIKE **
like用来匹配字符串,如果匹配成功则返回1,反之返回0。like支持两种通配符;‘%’用于匹配任意数目的字符,而‘_’只能匹配一个字符。not like正好跟like相反,如果没有匹配成功则返回1,反之返回0.
mysql> select 'bdqn' like 'bdq_','kgc' like '%c','etc' not like '%th'; +--------------------+-----------------+----------------------+ | 'bdqn' like 'bdq_' | 'kgc' like '%c' | 'etc' not like '%th' | +--------------------+-----------------+----------------------+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | +--------------------+-----------------+----------------------+逻辑运算符又被称为布尔运算符,通常用来判断表达式的真假,如果为真返回 1,否则返回 0,真和假也可以用 true 和 false表示,MySQL中支持使用逻辑运算符有四种。
运算符描述NOT或 !逻辑非AND或&&逻辑与OR或丨丨逻辑或XOR逻辑异或逻辑非用NOT或 !表示,逻辑非将跟在它后面的逻辑测试取反,把真变成假,把假变成真。 如果not后面的操作数为0时,所得值为1;如果操作数为非0时,所得值为0; 如果操作数为NULL时,所得值为null。
mysql> select not 2,!3,not 0,!(4-4); +-------+----+-------+--------+ | not 2 | !3 | not 0 | !(4-4) | +-------+----+-------+--------+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | +-------+----+-------+--------+逻辑与用AND或&&表示,通常用于判断两个值或多个值的有效性,如果所有值都是真返回1,否则返回0。
mysql> select 2 and 3,4 && 0,0 && null,1 and null; +---------+--------+-----------+------------+ | 2 and 3 | 4 && 0 | 0 && null | 1 and null | +---------+--------+-----------+------------+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | NULL | +---------+--------+-----------+------------+逻辑或用OR或||表示,逻辑或表示包含的操作数,任意一个为非零值并且不是null值时,返回1,否则返回0。
mysql> select 2 or 3,4 || 0,0 or null,1 || null; +--------+--------+-----------+-----------+ | 2 or 3 | 4 || 0 | 0 or null | 1 || null | +--------+--------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | 40 | NULL | NULL | +--------+--------+-----------+-----------+逻辑异或用XOR表示,两个非null值的操作数,如果两者都是0或者都是非0,则返回0;如果一个为0,另一个为非0,则返回结果为1;当任意一个值为null时,返回值为null。
mysql> select 2 xor 3,0 xor 0,0 xor 5,1 xor null,null xor null; +---------+---------+---------+------------+---------------+ | 2 xor 3 | 0 xor 0 | 0 xor 5 | 1 xor null | null xor null | +---------+---------+---------+------------+---------------+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | +---------+---------+---------+------------+---------------+位运算是对二进制数进行计算的运算符,MYSQL支持6种位运算符。
运算符描述&按位与丨按位或~按位取反^按位异或<<按位左移>>按位右移 mysql> select 10 & 15,10 | 15,10^15,5 &~1; +---------+---------+-------+-------+ | 10 & 15 | 10 | 15 | 10^15 | 5 &~1 | +---------+---------+-------+-------+ | 10 | 15 | 5 | 4 | +---------+---------+-------+-------+ mysql> select 1<<2,10>>2; +------+-------+ | 1<<2 | 10>>2 | +------+-------+ | 4 | 2 | +------+-------+右移左移位运算
“>>” 右移位运算 向右移动位数,多余的位数直接删除
“<<” 左移位运算 (向左移动位置,空缺处补0)