MachineRequired Floor SpacePurchase Price印刷机15$8000车床30$4000老板的预算是$40000,并且现在有200平方的空地;工厂老板应该怎样购买来让每天的利润最大? 如果我们设 x 1 x_1 x1是购买多少台印刷机, x 2 x_2 x2是购买多少台车床,那么可以写出优化问题的模型 m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 a n d i n t e g e r \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\ and\ integer \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0 and integer 相比线性优化模型,上面的数学模型就多出必须为整数的约束。如果我们把整数约束去掉,那么可以得到最优解: x 1 = 2.22 , x 2 = 5.56 , a n d Z = 1055.56 x_1=2.22,x_2=5.56,\ and\ Z=1055.56 x1=2.22,x2=5.56, and Z=1055.56 如果我们把这个解四舍五入,可以得到一个可行的整数解 x 1 = 2 , x 2 = 5 , a n d Z = 950 x_1=2,x_2=5,\ and\ Z=950 x1=2,x2=5, and Z=950 但是这个整数解并不是实际的最优解,因为一旦加上整数约束,线性优化模型往往是非凸的,线性优化算法往往无能为力。而分支界定法则是把原问题进行松弛(即去掉整数约束),以松弛线性模型为根节点不断地划分子问题和更新问题上下界,通过评判上下界来忽略无效子问题和停止算法。首先我们构造根节点,该节点就是上面模型去掉整数约束后的松弛模型,对于这个松弛线性最大化问题,我们构造一下上下界,用它的最优解( Z = 1055.56 Z=1055.56 Z=1055.56)作为问题的上界,用四舍五入后的整数解( x 1 = 2 , x 2 = 5 , Z = 950 x_1=2,x_2=5,Z=950 x1=2,x2=5,Z=950)作为下界;上下界的意义在于,原始整数优化模型的解一定是在上下界之间的,所以对于所有最优解比下界更小的子问题,我们可以直接忽略;而子问题的上界一定不会大于父问题,通过不断分支,这个上下界间的范围将不断缩减。 因为根节点的最优解不是整数解,所以我们选择一个非整数解进行分支。这里我们采取选择离四舍五入值最远的变量,对于根节点,即选择了变量 x 2 = 5.56 x_2=5.56 x2=5.56。我们以变量 x 2 x_2 x2为划分点向下分支出两个子问题,分别在根节点的松弛优化模型的基础上新增约束 x 2 ≤ 5 x_2\leq5 x2≤5和 x 2 ≥ 6 x_2\geq6 x2≥6,也就是说,对于左侧的子节点2,松弛优化模型为: m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≤ 5 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \leq5 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≤5 右侧子节点3的问题模型为: m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≥ 6 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \geq6 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≥6 对于节点2,可以求得最优解为 x 1 = 2.5 , x 2 = 5 , Z = 1000 x_1=2.5,x_2=5,Z=1000 x1=2.5,x2=5,Z=1000,而节点3的最优解为 x 1 = 1.33 , x 2 = 6 , Z = 1033.33 x_1=1.33,x_2=6,Z=1033.33 x1=1.33,x2=6,Z=1033.33,这两个解可分别作为这两个节点的上界。可以看到这两个上界都小于根节点的上界,因为每一次分支,都是在原松弛优化模型的基础上新增约束,它的最优解肯定不会好过原问题。再来分析下界,因为这两个子节点的解都不是完整整数解,所以这两个节点下界保持不变,仍是950
我们还没有找到最优可行解,所以要从结点2或者3继续分支。选择哪个结点呢,这里我们按上界更大优先的原则来选取结点,也就是从结点3进行分支。采用这种原则其实是一种间接地剪枝,如果某个结点的最优解是非整数解并且小于当前的全局下界(即上界比下界更小),那么需要把这个结点及其所有子节点都从搜索数里去除,它们的解肯定不会是最优解了,通过上界越大越优先的原则来选取,这些结点实际上根本不会被选中。结点3的 x 2 x_2 x2已经是整数了,所以用 x 1 x_1 x1进行划分: x 1 ≤ 1 x_1\leq1 x1≤1和 x 1 ≥ 2 x_1\geq2 x1≥2,分出了结点4和结点5,结点4的问题模型是在3的基础上加上 x 1 ≤ 1 x_1\leq1 x1≤1 m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≥ 6 x 1 ≤ 1 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \geq6 \\ & x_1 \leq1 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≥6x1≤1 结点5则是在3的基础上加上 x 1 ≥ 2 x_1\geq2 x1≥2 m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≥ 6 x 1 ≥ 2 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \geq6 \\ & x_1 \geq2 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≥6x1≥2 对于结点4,其最优解是( x 1 = 1 , x 2 = 6.17 , Z = 1025 x_1=1,x_2=6.17,Z=1025 x1=1,x2=6.17,Z=1025);对于结点5,则无解。那就只需要对结点4进行定界,上界就是最优解1025.5,同时最优解也不是完整整数解,那下界仍保持不变。
我们还是没有找到最优整数解,需要继续分支。现在有3个叶节点:2、4和5,结点5已经无解,所以不需要考虑,而在2和4中,4的上界更大,所以从结点4开始分支。在结点4, x 1 x_1 x1已经是整数,所以用 x 2 x_2 x2进行划分: x 2 ≤ 6 x_2\leq6 x2≤6和 x 2 ≥ 7 x_2\geq7 x2≥7。结点6的问题模型如下,其最优解为( x 1 = 1 , x 2 = 6 , Z = 1000 x_1=1,x_2=6,Z=1000 x1=1,x2=6,Z=1000) m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≥ 6 x 1 ≥ 2 x 2 ≤ 6 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \geq6 \\ & x_1 \geq2 \\ & x_2\leq6 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≥6x1≥2x2≤6 结点7的问题模型如下,它同样无解 m a x i m i e Z = 100 x 1 + 150 x 2 s u b j e c t t o 8000 x 1 + 4000 x 2 ≤ 40000 15 x 1 + 30 x 2 ≤ 200 x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x 2 ≥ 6 x 1 ≥ 2 x 2 ≥ 7 \begin{aligned} maximie\quad& Z=100x_1+150x_2\\ subject\ to\quad& 8000x_1+4000x_2\leq 40000 \\ & 15x_1+30x_2\leq 200 \\ & x_1,x_2\geq 0\\ & x_2 \geq6 \\ & x_1 \geq2 \\ & x_2\geq7 \end{aligned} maximiesubject toZ=100x1+150x28000x1+4000x2≤4000015x1+30x2≤200x1,x2≥0x2≥6x1≥2x2≥7 现在搜索树如下图所示
Step 1: 计算原始整数规划松弛化后的最优值,如果无解,则原问题就是无解,退出算法;如果最优解就是整数解,那么直接得到最终解,退出算法Step 2: 建立根节点,在根节点上,上界是原始整数规划松弛后的最优解,下界则需要预先给出一个可行解来得到Step 3: 评估当前所有的叶节点,不过不需要加入无解的结点。如果叶节点某个结点的最优解是完整整数解,并且其上界比其他叶节点都要大,则该结点的解就是全局最优解,可以退出算法;否则继续Step 4;另外如果目前没有任何可行的叶节点,那么就表明除了初始给出的可行解,不存在任何其他可行解,也直接退出算法Step 4: 从最大上界的可行叶节点继续分支。选择该结点的一个非整数解,产生两个新的 ≤ \leq ≤和 ≥ \geq ≥约束,分别加到该节点的问题模型上产生两个子节点。计算更新两个子节点的上下界,上界值等于子节点的最优解,下界等于全局的最大下界。Step 5: 回到Step 3最后我用C#代码实现一下上面问题求解。首先需要说明的是,求解松弛问题,我使用了Google OR-Tools的线性求解器。定义了一个LooseLinearConstraintProblem类,来表示基于上面例子的松弛优化问题模型,在内部定义了最基本的约束,并且定义了additionalConstraints来表示相对父问题的额外约束,如果要从一个父松弛问题生成一个子松弛问题,可以通过拷贝构造函数来生成
public class LooseLinearConstraintProblem { private Solver solver; private List<Variable> variables; public List<Variable> Variables { get { return variables; } } //private List<Constraint> constraints; private Objective objective; //item1: 第几个变量 //item2: 大于等于多少 //item3: 小于等于多少 private List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints; public List<Tuple<int, double, double>> AdditionalConstraints { set { this.additionalConstraints = value; } get { return this.additionalConstraints; } } private void BasicInit() { this.solver = Solver.CreateSolver("GLOP"); this.variables = new List<Variable>(); Variable x1 = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, "x1"); Variable x2 = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, "x2"); this.variables.Add(x1); this.variables.Add(x2); Constraint c0 = solver.MakeConstraint(double.NegativeInfinity, 40000); c0.SetCoefficient(x1, 8000); c0.SetCoefficient(x2, 4000); Constraint c1 = solver.MakeConstraint(double.NegativeInfinity, 200); c1.SetCoefficient(x1, 15); c1.SetCoefficient(x2, 30); this.objective = solver.Objective(); this.objective.SetCoefficient(x1, 100); this.objective.SetCoefficient(x2, 150); this.objective.SetMaximization(); } public LooseLinearConstraintProblem(List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints) { BasicInit(); if (additionalConstraints != null) { this.additionalConstraints = additionalConstraints; foreach(var additionalConstraint in additionalConstraints) { Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } } public LooseLinearConstraintProblem(LooseLinearConstraintProblem parentProblem,List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints) { BasicInit(); this.additionalConstraints = new List<Tuple<int, double, double>>(); if (parentProblem.AdditionalConstraints != null) { foreach (var additionalConstraint in parentProblem.AdditionalConstraints) { this.additionalConstraints.Add(additionalConstraint); Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } if (additionalConstraints != null) { foreach (var additionalConstraint in additionalConstraints) { this.additionalConstraints.Add(additionalConstraint); Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } } public Tuple<List<double>, double> Solve() { var status = solver.Solve(); if (status != Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL) { return null; } else { List<double> vResults = new List<double>(); foreach(var v in this.variables) { vResults.Add(v.SolutionValue()); } double oResult = solver.Objective().Value(); return new Tuple<List<double>, double>(vResults, oResult); } } }顶一个Node类来表示分支界定中的每个结点
//每个问题节点包括: 松弛线性优化子问题模型, 当前节点的问题上界, 当前节点的问题下界, 当前问题的求解情况(无完整整数解, 完整整数解, 无解) public class Node { private LooseLinearConstraintProblem problem; public LooseLinearConstraintProblem Problem { get { return this.problem; } } public double UpperBound { get;set; } public double LowerBound { get; set; } private SolveStatus solveStatus; public SolveStatus SolveStatus { get { return this.solveStatus; } } private Tuple<List<double>, double> solution; public Node(LooseLinearConstraintProblem problem) { this.problem = problem; this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.HaveNotSolve; } public Tuple<List<double>, double> Solve() { if (this.solveStatus != SolveStatus.HaveNotSolve) { return this.solution; } Tuple<List<double>, double> result = this.problem.Solve(); if (result == null) { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.Infeasible; } else if (getIntegerIndex(result.Item1).Count != result.Item1.Count) { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.NoneCompleteIntegerSolution; } else { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.CompleteIntegerSolution; } this.solution = result; return this.solution; } }Node类用到自定义的结构体SolveStatus来表示当前结点的求解状态,
public enum SolveStatus { HaveNotSolve, //还没求解该结点 NoneCompleteIntegerSolution, //非完整整数解 CompleteIntegerSolution, //完整整数解 Infeasible //无解 }两个辅助方法,一个来判断一个double变量是否是整数,一个找出一个double变量序列中的所有非整数变量
//从一个double数列中找出所有为整数的元素的下标 public static List<int> getIntegerIndex(List<double> values) { List<int> results = new List<int>(); for(int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++) { if (isInteger(values[i])) { results.Add(i); } } return results; } public static bool isInteger(double n) { string s = Convert.ToString(n); return s.Contains(".") ? false : true; }最后是算法的主流程
public void Test(List<double> initVars, double initObj) { //初始的松弛线性优化问题 LooseLinearConstraintProblem baseProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(null); var baseProblemResult = baseProblem.Solve(); //如果root问题就无解,那么原问题就是无解 if (baseProblemResult == null) { throw new Exception("No solution for this problem"); } List<int> integerIndexList = getIntegerIndex(baseProblemResult.Item1); //如果root问题的解全是整数,那么已经找到原问题的最优解 if (integerIndexList.Count == baseProblemResult.Item1.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for(int i = 0; i < baseProblem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x"+i+" = " + baseProblemResult.Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + baseProblemResult.Item2); return; } //开始进行分支界定 double globalUpperBound = baseProblemResult.Item2;//初始情况下问题的上界就是原始松弛问题的最优解 double globalLowerBound = initObj;//初始的问题下界手动给定, x1=2,x2=5 List<Node> endNodes = new List<Node>();//缓存所有叶节点 Node rootNode = new Node(baseProblem); rootNode.Solve(); rootNode.UpperBound = globalUpperBound; rootNode.LowerBound = globalLowerBound; endNodes.Add(rootNode); Console.WriteLine("Start Branch and Bound: "); Console.WriteLine($"Root Node, UpperBound={rootNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={rootNode.LowerBound}"); while (true) { //如果叶节点序列为空, 那就表明除了我们初始给定的整数解没有其他可行解了 if (endNodes.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for (int i = 0; i < baseProblem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x" + i + " = " + baseProblemResult.Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + baseProblemResult.Item2); break; } //搜索的停止条件是存在一个完整整数解, 并且该整数解的目标值是所有叶节点(非无解节点)中最大的. //因为子节点的目标值肯定是比父节点小的(额外的约束导致), 所以如果一个整数解的目标值比其他所有 //叶节点大, 那么这些叶节点的子节点不可能比这个解更好 double maxUpperBound = double.NegativeInfinity; int maxUpperBoundNodeIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < endNodes.Count; i++) { if (endNodes[i].UpperBound >= maxUpperBound) { maxUpperBound = endNodes[i].UpperBound; maxUpperBoundNodeIndex = i; } } if (endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].SolveStatus == SolveStatus.CompleteIntegerSolution) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for (int i = 0; i < endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Problem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x" + i + " = " + endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Solve().Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Solve().Item2); break; } //用最大上边界的节点来分支, 选择一个非整数解新增约束 Node parentNode = endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex]; endNodes.RemoveAt(maxUpperBoundNodeIndex); Tuple<List<double>, double> parentSolution = parentNode.Solve(); //选择一个离四舍五入整数解最远的非整数解来划分 int selectVariableIndex = 0; double distance = 0; for(int i = 0; i < parentSolution.Item1.Count; i++) { if (!isInteger(parentSolution.Item1[i]) && Math.Abs(Math.Round(parentSolution.Item1[i])-parentSolution.Item1[i])>distance) { selectVariableIndex = i; distance = Math.Abs(Math.Round(parentSolution.Item1[i]) - parentSolution.Item1[i]); } } double leftVar = Math.Floor(parentSolution.Item1[selectVariableIndex]); double rightVar = Math.Ceiling(parentSolution.Item1[selectVariableIndex]); //新分出两个节点 LooseLinearConstraintProblem leftSubProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(parentNode.Problem, new List<Tuple<int, double, double>> { new Tuple<int, double, double>(selectVariableIndex, double.NegativeInfinity, leftVar) }); Node leftNode = new Node(leftSubProblem); LooseLinearConstraintProblem rightSubProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(parentNode.Problem, new List<Tuple<int, double, double>> { new Tuple<int, double, double>(selectVariableIndex, rightVar,double.PositiveInfinity) }); Node rightNode = new Node(rightSubProblem); //分别计算两个子节点的结果 leftNode.Solve(); rightNode.Solve(); //更新当前的叶节点序列, 无解的节点不需要加入 if (leftNode.SolveStatus != SolveStatus.Infeasible) { endNodes.Add(leftNode); } if (rightNode.SolveStatus != SolveStatus.Infeasible) { endNodes.Add(rightNode); } //更新当前所有叶节点的上下界 List<int> needRemoveIndexList = new List<int>(); for(int i=0;i<endNodes.Count;i++) { var node = endNodes[i]; node.UpperBound = node.Solve().Item2; //如果该节点没有完整整数解, 那么它的下边界就是全局下界 if (node.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.NoneCompleteIntegerSolution) { node.LowerBound = globalLowerBound; } // 如果是一个完整整数解, 那么该节点的上下边界相等, 进一步, 如果这个目标值大于当前的 // 全局下界, 则更新全局下界 else { node.LowerBound = node.UpperBound; if (node.LowerBound >= globalLowerBound) { globalLowerBound = node.LowerBound; } } //如果在该节点下界大于上界,把这个结点从叶节点序列中去除,即剪枝 if (node.LowerBound > node.UpperBound) { needRemoveIndexList.Add(i); } } foreach(var needRemove in needRemoveIndexList) { endNodes.RemoveAt(needRemove); } Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode, additional constraint: x{selectVariableIndex + 1}<={leftVar}"); if (leftNode.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.Infeasible) { Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode is infeasible"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode, UpperBound={leftNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={leftNode.LowerBound}"); } Console.WriteLine($"RightNode, additional constraint: {rightVar}<=x{selectVariableIndex + 1}"); if (rightNode.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.Infeasible) { Console.WriteLine($"RightNode is infeasible"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"RightNode, UpperBound={rightNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={rightNode.LowerBound}"); } } }完整的代码:
using Google.OrTools.LinearSolver; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace BranchAndBound { public class Simple { public enum SolveStatus { HaveNotSolve, NoneCompleteIntegerSolution, CompleteIntegerSolution, Infeasible } //每个问题节点包括: 松弛线性优化子问题模型, 当前节点的问题上界, 当前节点的问题下界, 当前问题的求解情况(无完整整数解, 完整整数解, 无解) public class Node { private LooseLinearConstraintProblem problem; public LooseLinearConstraintProblem Problem { get { return this.problem; } } public double UpperBound { get;set; } public double LowerBound { get; set; } private SolveStatus solveStatus; public SolveStatus SolveStatus { get { return this.solveStatus; } } private Tuple<List<double>, double> solution; public Node(LooseLinearConstraintProblem problem) { this.problem = problem; this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.HaveNotSolve; } public Tuple<List<double>, double> Solve() { if (this.solveStatus != SolveStatus.HaveNotSolve) { return this.solution; } Tuple<List<double>, double> result = this.problem.Solve(); if (result == null) { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.Infeasible; } else if (getIntegerIndex(result.Item1).Count != result.Item1.Count) { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.NoneCompleteIntegerSolution; } else { this.solveStatus = SolveStatus.CompleteIntegerSolution; } this.solution = result; return this.solution; } } public void Test(List<double> initVars, double initObj) { //初始的松弛线性优化问题 LooseLinearConstraintProblem baseProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(null); var baseProblemResult = baseProblem.Solve(); //如果root问题就无解,那么原问题就是无解 if (baseProblemResult == null) { throw new Exception("No solution for this problem"); } List<int> integerIndexList = getIntegerIndex(baseProblemResult.Item1); //如果root问题的解全是整数,那么已经找到原问题的最优解 if (integerIndexList.Count == baseProblemResult.Item1.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for(int i = 0; i < baseProblem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x"+i+" = " + baseProblemResult.Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + baseProblemResult.Item2); return; } //开始进行分支界定 double globalUpperBound = baseProblemResult.Item2;//初始情况下问题的上界就是原始松弛问题的最优解 double globalLowerBound = initObj;//初始的问题下界手动给定, x1=2,x2=5 List<Node> endNodes = new List<Node>();//缓存所有叶节点 Node rootNode = new Node(baseProblem); rootNode.Solve(); rootNode.UpperBound = globalUpperBound; rootNode.LowerBound = globalLowerBound; endNodes.Add(rootNode); Console.WriteLine("Start Branch and Bound: "); Console.WriteLine($"Root Node, UpperBound={rootNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={rootNode.LowerBound}"); while (true) { //如果叶节点序列为空, 那就表明除了我们初始给定的整数解没有其他可行解了 if (endNodes.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for (int i = 0; i < baseProblem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x" + i + " = " + baseProblemResult.Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + baseProblemResult.Item2); break; } //搜索的停止条件是存在一个完整整数解, 并且该整数解的目标值是所有叶节点(非无解节点)中最大的. //因为子节点的目标值肯定是比父节点小的(额外的约束导致), 所以如果一个整数解的目标值比其他所有 //叶节点大, 那么这些叶节点的子节点不可能比这个解更好 double maxUpperBound = double.NegativeInfinity; int maxUpperBoundNodeIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < endNodes.Count; i++) { if (endNodes[i].UpperBound >= maxUpperBound) { maxUpperBound = endNodes[i].UpperBound; maxUpperBoundNodeIndex = i; } } if (endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].SolveStatus == SolveStatus.CompleteIntegerSolution) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); for (int i = 0; i < endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Problem.Variables.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" x" + i + " = " + endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Solve().Item1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex].Solve().Item2); break; } //用最大上边界的节点来分支, 选择一个非整数解新增约束 Node parentNode = endNodes[maxUpperBoundNodeIndex]; endNodes.RemoveAt(maxUpperBoundNodeIndex); Tuple<List<double>, double> parentSolution = parentNode.Solve(); //选择一个离四舍五入整数解最远的非整数解来划分 int selectVariableIndex = 0; double distance = 0; for(int i = 0; i < parentSolution.Item1.Count; i++) { if (!isInteger(parentSolution.Item1[i]) && Math.Abs(Math.Round(parentSolution.Item1[i])-parentSolution.Item1[i])>distance) { selectVariableIndex = i; distance = Math.Abs(Math.Round(parentSolution.Item1[i]) - parentSolution.Item1[i]); } } double leftVar = Math.Floor(parentSolution.Item1[selectVariableIndex]); double rightVar = Math.Ceiling(parentSolution.Item1[selectVariableIndex]); //新分出两个节点 LooseLinearConstraintProblem leftSubProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(parentNode.Problem, new List<Tuple<int, double, double>> { new Tuple<int, double, double>(selectVariableIndex, double.NegativeInfinity, leftVar) }); Node leftNode = new Node(leftSubProblem); LooseLinearConstraintProblem rightSubProblem = new LooseLinearConstraintProblem(parentNode.Problem, new List<Tuple<int, double, double>> { new Tuple<int, double, double>(selectVariableIndex, rightVar,double.PositiveInfinity) }); Node rightNode = new Node(rightSubProblem); //分别计算两个子节点的结果 leftNode.Solve(); rightNode.Solve(); //更新当前的叶节点序列, 无解的节点不需要加入 if (leftNode.SolveStatus != SolveStatus.Infeasible) { endNodes.Add(leftNode); } if (rightNode.SolveStatus != SolveStatus.Infeasible) { endNodes.Add(rightNode); } //更新当前所有叶节点的上下界 List<int> needRemoveIndexList = new List<int>(); for(int i=0;i<endNodes.Count;i++) { var node = endNodes[i]; node.UpperBound = node.Solve().Item2; //如果该节点没有完整整数解, 那么它的下边界就是全局下界 if (node.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.NoneCompleteIntegerSolution) { node.LowerBound = globalLowerBound; } // 如果是一个完整整数解, 那么该节点的上下边界相等, 进一步, 如果这个目标值大于当前的 // 全局下界, 则更新全局下界 else { node.LowerBound = node.UpperBound; if (node.LowerBound >= globalLowerBound) { globalLowerBound = node.LowerBound; } } //如果在该节点下界大于上界,把这个结点从叶节点序列中去除,即剪枝 if (node.LowerBound > node.UpperBound) { needRemoveIndexList.Add(i); } } foreach(var needRemove in needRemoveIndexList) { endNodes.RemoveAt(needRemove); } Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode, additional constraint: x{selectVariableIndex + 1}<={leftVar}"); if (leftNode.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.Infeasible) { Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode is infeasible"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"LeftNode, UpperBound={leftNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={leftNode.LowerBound}"); } Console.WriteLine($"RightNode, additional constraint: {rightVar}<=x{selectVariableIndex + 1}"); if (rightNode.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.Infeasible) { Console.WriteLine($"RightNode is infeasible"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"RightNode, UpperBound={rightNode.UpperBound}, LowerBound={rightNode.LowerBound}"); } } } //从一个double数列中找出所有为整数的元素的下标 public static List<int> getIntegerIndex(List<double> values) { List<int> results = new List<int>(); for(int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++) { if (isInteger(values[i])) { results.Add(i); } } return results; } public static bool isInteger(double n) { string s = Convert.ToString(n); return s.Contains(".") ? false : true; } public class LooseLinearConstraintProblem { private Solver solver; private List<Variable> variables; public List<Variable> Variables { get { return variables; } } //private List<Constraint> constraints; private Objective objective; //item1: 第几个变量 //item2: 大于等于多少 //item3: 小于等于多少 private List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints; public List<Tuple<int, double, double>> AdditionalConstraints { set { this.additionalConstraints = value; } get { return this.additionalConstraints; } } private void BasicInit() { this.solver = Solver.CreateSolver("GLOP"); this.variables = new List<Variable>(); Variable x1 = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, "x1"); Variable x2 = solver.MakeNumVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, "x2"); this.variables.Add(x1); this.variables.Add(x2); Constraint c0 = solver.MakeConstraint(double.NegativeInfinity, 40000); c0.SetCoefficient(x1, 8000); c0.SetCoefficient(x2, 4000); Constraint c1 = solver.MakeConstraint(double.NegativeInfinity, 200); c1.SetCoefficient(x1, 15); c1.SetCoefficient(x2, 30); this.objective = solver.Objective(); this.objective.SetCoefficient(x1, 100); this.objective.SetCoefficient(x2, 150); this.objective.SetMaximization(); } public LooseLinearConstraintProblem(List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints) { BasicInit(); if (additionalConstraints != null) { this.additionalConstraints = additionalConstraints; foreach(var additionalConstraint in additionalConstraints) { Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } } public LooseLinearConstraintProblem(LooseLinearConstraintProblem parentProblem,List<Tuple<int, double, double>> additionalConstraints) { BasicInit(); this.additionalConstraints = new List<Tuple<int, double, double>>(); if (parentProblem.AdditionalConstraints != null) { foreach (var additionalConstraint in parentProblem.AdditionalConstraints) { this.additionalConstraints.Add(additionalConstraint); Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } if (additionalConstraints != null) { foreach (var additionalConstraint in additionalConstraints) { this.additionalConstraints.Add(additionalConstraint); Constraint newConstraint = this.solver.MakeConstraint(additionalConstraint.Item2, additionalConstraint.Item3); for (int j = 0; j < this.variables.Count; j++) { if (j != additionalConstraint.Item1) { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 0); } else { newConstraint.SetCoefficient(this.variables[j], 1); } } } } } public Tuple<List<double>, double> Solve() { var status = solver.Solve(); if (status != Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL) { return null; } else { List<double> vResults = new List<double>(); foreach(var v in this.variables) { vResults.Add(v.SolutionValue()); } double oResult = solver.Objective().Value(); return new Tuple<List<double>, double>(vResults, oResult); } } } } }