// Gets a vector that points from the player's position to the target's. var heading = target.position - player.position;Direction and Distance
var distance = heading.magnitude; var direction = heading / distance; // This is now the normalized direction.如果您只需要使用距离进行比较,使用sqrMagnitude 比较好,因为向量是由勾股定理得出,需要开方操作,使用sqrMagnitude 节省开方操作。 Vector3.sqrMagnitude 是指长度的平方,也就是Vector3.magnitude的平方
if (heading.sqrMagnitude < maxRange * maxRange) { // Target is within range. }玩家位置到目标下方地面位置的矢量,通过设置相减矢量的Y得出玩家到悬空物正下方的矢量
var heading = target.position - player.position; heading.y = 0; // This is the overground heading.