【Unity Script Collection】Meshes & Construction

it2022-12-27  106

Unity Script Collection目录 


ProceduralToolkit - procedural mesh toolkit/generator.Draw - draws primitives with lines.VolumetricLinesUnity - volumetric lines.giles - 3d runtime level editor.Voxelmetric - voxel framework.Procedural Shapes for Unity - procedural shapes.ICO Sphere Mesh Creator - procedural ico spheres.Vertex Painter - paint information onto vertices.FacePaint - paint triangles of meshes.Simplygon - mesh optimization & lod generation.TextMesh Pro - generate text with custom styling.meshcombinewizard - combines all meshes on the chosen gameObject and its children that share the same material.RoadArchitect - road system creator featuring dynamic intersections, bridges, etc.DrawLine - procedural line mesh tool.Deform - a framework for deforming meshes in the editor and at runtime in Unity.2.5D Destruction - breaks 2D sprites into 2.5D fragments.MetaBalls Liquids - liquid simulation using MetaBalls.