ctf python-Image模块学习

it2023-01-24  59

今天学习ctf遇到了从rgb数据构造图片的题,顺便学一下python的Image模块吧 具体文档


# 图片大小 width, height = im.size # 文件名包含路径 print(im.filename) # 文件类型png/jpg/bmt print(im.format) # 模式rgb/rgba/cmyk print(im.mode) # im.width # im.height


from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO # 对于彩色图像,不管其图像格式是PNG,还是BMP,或者JPG,在PIL中,使用Image模块的open()函数打开后,返回的图像对象的模式都是“RGB”。 # 而对于灰度图像,不管其图像格式是PNG,还是BMP,或者JPG,打开后,其模式为“L” im = Image.open("misc/tp/txt.png") # 从二进制打开图片 im = Image.open(BytesIO("misc/tp/txt.bin")) # 构造图像 width, height = 128, 128 color = (0, 235, 255) im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), color) #RGB im = Image.new('1', (width, height),1) #1是白0是黑 im = Image.new('L', (width, height), 120) # 128位灰度图 im = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (255,255,128,128)) # RGBA # 得到i,j位置的像素值 im.getpixel((i, j)) # 通过像素修改图像 x, y = (1, 2) color = (0, 0, 0) im.putpixel((x, y), color) # 展示图片 im.show() # 保存图片 im.save("misc/tp/txt.png") #得到png,jpg,bmp格式图片的每一帧的RGB width,height=im.size pix = [im.getpixel((i, j)) for i in range(width) for j in range(height)] print(pix) # 旋转45度 im = im.rotate(45) # 等比缩放 size = 128, 128 im.thumbnail(size) # 按给定值缩放 im = im.resize((120, 12)) # 图片类型转换 im.convert("1") im.convert("L") im.convert("RGB") 类型转换这个博客写的挺好的: https://blog.csdn.net/icamera0/article/details/50843172 # split分割RGB时,按照RGB的三原色,返回三个图像。其他类似 imm=im.split() imm[0].show() # 裁剪矩形 left,top,right,bottm=(1,2,100,100) im=im.crop((left,top,right,bottm)) # 转换成比特流 im.tobytes()

ctf 练习

练习一下从RGB数据恢复成图片 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KP9BiRn8EaSnB9s9iSEJlg 密码: awic


from PIL import Image file_txt = open("misc/tp/pic.txt", "r") str_pix = file_txt.read().split("\n") width, height = 0, 0 # Get the width and height of the image for i in str_pix: if int(i.split(" ")[0]) > width: width = int(i.split(" ")[0]) if int(i.split(" ")[1]) > height: height = int(i.split(" ")[1]) # Output the width and height print ("Width: ", width, " Height: ", height) img = Image.new("RGB", (width,height)) # Write pixel to new image file: # pixTuple(R, G, B, A) # x -> width, y -> height, R -> red, G -> green, B -> blue, A -> transparency for i in str_pix: x = int(i.split(" ")[0]) y = int(i.split(" ")[1]) R = int(i.split(" ")[2]) G = int(i.split(" ")[3]) B = int(i.split(" ")[4]) pixTuple = (R, G, B, 0) img.putpixel((x-1, y-1), pixTuple) # Save the image file img.save("output.png")